Monday, August 1, 2016

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Chengdu man Lin Yongqing, worked in banking for life is now 103 years old, retirement still not forgotten for decades at the Bank as a teller counted money felt, now lying on the bed he thought every day was still counting the money. In order to satisfy his love of children the desire to count the money, specifically under the pillow on his bed put a pile of money, he repeated dozens of times a day for counting.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Chengdu man Lin Yongqing, worked in banking for life is now 103 years old, retirement still not forgotten for decades at the Bank as a teller counted money felt, now lying on the bed he thought every day was still counting the money. In order to satisfy his love of children the desire to count the money, specifically under the pillow on his bed put a pile of money, he repeated dozens of times a day for counting.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Summer in July, journalist at 36 ℃ high temperature heat came to pengzhou city, Sichuan, Tian Peng Zhen, in this small town, with over age 7 years old.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Pengzhou centenarians 49, close to 70 people per 1 million people in longevous area of international standards, in the suburbs of Chengdu (City) in the top.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Old man walking up and down stairs.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Old man holding a pet dog.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Pengzhou has a warm and humid climate, and abundant water resources and fine texture and other long-lived natural conditions of the physical environment. Most of the centenarians live in rural areas, who have long engaged in agricultural production, physical labor training and become strong cardiovascular system in shape, function and regulation and so on have a good ability to adapt.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Centenarians are still here thinking clear, articulate and direct.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Here's a centenarian chickens now sweeping chores no problem. Xian rainstorm rainwater intrusion section in

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Old man and granddaughter to make kittens.

103 banks retired several dozens of times a day to find the feeling

Centenarian body is strong.

A centenarian in producer again.

The centenarians also maintained the habit of smoking.

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