Thursday, June 16, 2016

Shanghai Disney park fails on the first day the tourists were trapped

The evening of June 16, Shanghai Disneyland "Pirates of the Caribbean – battle of treasure shot down" project there was a mechanical failure due to seat bar cannot open, tourists were trapped on the ship, not down. Staff is repair, recovery time has not yet been known. Broadcast reminder time for staff, visitors lined up behind the unknown, is very anxious. Enteromorpha Lianyungang area and large area

Shanghai Disney park fails on the first day the tourists were trapped

The evening of June 16, Shanghai Disneyland "Pirates of the Caribbean – battle of treasure shot down" project there was a mechanical failure due to seat bar cannot open, tourists were trapped on the ship, not down. Staff is repair, recovery time has not yet been known. Broadcast reminder time for staff, visitors lined up behind the unknown, is very anxious.

Shanghai Disney park fails on the first day the tourists were trapped

Picture the scene.

Shanghai Disney park fails on the first day the tourists were trapped

Picture the scene.

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